
If I choose to live in another country, then-England.
If I choose to be only one season in year,then-spring.
If I choose to watch the same movie,then-“The Shawshank Redemption”.
If I choose to read a book every night before sleep,then-“The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho.
If I choose to listen to music all day around,then-J.Blunt’s songs.
If I choose a colour to describe the texture of my soul,then-cream.
If I choose an animal that characterizes me,then-lion.
If I choose a fruit for a great dessert,then-kiwi.
If I choose a perfect morning breakfast,then-just coffee.
If I choose a day of the week to spend the most marvelous moments,then-Saturday.
If I choose flowers to fill my room with fragrance,then-white tulips.
If I choose an accessory that I cannot miss,then-watch.
If I choose a piece of clothing that I always dress,then-jeans.
If I choose three laws to guide my life,then-3L-Laws”LIVE,LAUGH,LOVE”


  1. No Comment!How magnificent!!
    I see you follow your cousin'a wish"to write".Well done!

  2. Da eu stiam din timpul liceului ca aveai o dragoste aparte pt "arta cuvintului",dar chiar bloggul tau m-a dat gata.Ti-am mai zis nu doar talentata dar si orbitor de FRUMOASA

  3. Pacat ca nu ne-am intilnit mai devreme,sa fi venit cu vreun an doi in urma pe la sp.ST
